The Greater Baltimore Chapter, like all TCF Chapters, is an officially chartered non-profit organization made up of other parents whose children have died. The causes and ages vary significantly but the pain and loss is the same. TCF is a non-denominational group with no religious or spiritual affiliations. All belief systems are honored and welcomed.
Please accept our deepest sympathies at this time of great loss. We know that words often fail to sooth this pain. Know that we welcome you with gentle hearts and strong arms that understand, where words are not always needed, nor explanations required.
The Story of The Mustard Seed
A woman once came to the village elder holding the corpse of her dead child. Wailing in her anguish she pleaded with the Elder to bring the child back to life. He said that to do this he would need a rare ingredient: a mustard seed from the household of a family that had never known death. The woman was sent out to find such a mustard seed. Her desperate search yielded no such seed - only many stories of grief as great as and, at times, even greater than her own. In the end these stories connected her deeply and truly to her own suffering, and so she was healed from her anguish. |
For centuries, the butterfly has symbolized the resurrection and life after death. The caterpillar signifies life here on earth; the cocoon, death; and the butterfly, the emergence of the dead into a new, beautiful and freer existence. Frequently, the butterfly is seen with the word, nika, which means victory. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross movingly tells of seeing butterflies drawn all over the walls of the children s dormitories in the WWII concentration camps. Since Elizabeth believes in the innate intuitiveness of children, she concludes that these children knew their fate and were leaving us a message of hope. The Compassionate Friends has adopted the butterfly as one of its symbols, a sign of hope to us bereaved parents and siblings that our children are now living in another dimension with greater beauty and freedom, a comforting thought to many.
The Compassionate Friends
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